S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Bacterial profile and sensitivity spectrum of isolates from chronic suppurative otitis media patients Attendingin Dhaka medical college hospital
Dr. Towfiq Mahmud, Dr. SM Nafeez Imtiaz, Dr. Md. Sahidur Rahman, Dr. Md. Razzekul Habib, Dr. Samir Mohammad Tasrif, Dr. Md. Mahbubul Islam and Dr. Mridul Deb Nath
Int. J. Otolaryngology Res., 2024; 6(2): 01-09
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Comparison of Eustachian tube function by impedance audiometry and correlation results with tympanoplasty
Tawfiqur Rahman, Masroor Rahman, Mohammad Anwar Hossain and Arif Mahmud Jewel
Int. J. Otolaryngology Res., 2024; 6(2): 10-13
3 |
Effectiveness of middle ear risk index (MERI) in outcome of tympanoplasty
Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Tawfiqur Rahman, Masroor Rahman, Abdullah-Al-Mamun and AK Al-Miraj
Int. J. Otolaryngology Res., 2024; 6(2): 14-17
4 |
Demographic and clinicopathological profiles of thyroid gland swelling: Insights from a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Hasan Ali, Dr. Mohd. Rafiul Alam, Dr. Mohammad Abubakar Siddique, Dr. Utpaul Kumar Sarkar, Dr. Md. Abul Kashem, Dr. Anup Talukder, Dr. Md. Amzad Hossain and Dr. Khandaker Md. Shahidullah
Int. J. Otolaryngology Res., 2024; 6(2): 18-23
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Unveiling the complexity of clival osteomyelitisÂ
Dr. Ashfaque A Ansari and Dr. Lovee Gupta
Int. J. Otolaryngology Res., 2024; 6(2): 24-32